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One of the most exciting things about The Lord of the Rings Online is how it has inspired many personal stories both inside and outside the game; families have been formed, friends bonded, proposals made, and weddings celebrated. We are honored to be able to do our best to bring Middle-earth to life in a way that supports your story, and for some of us, it’s been a big part of our careers!


Not everyone who works on The Lord of the Rings Online is a long-time veteran of the studio, and that’s a good thing! It’s important to have fresh ideas, new perspectives, and inspired skill sets over time. That said, Standing Stone Games is also gifted with extremely knowledgeable employees who’ve been with us for a while. We’ve grabbed employees both veteran and newer for some Q&A as we take a look back today.

让我们认识一下成员:Pinion十多年来处理过游戏各方面的内容,Istien则在14年里担任过各种职务,包括文案编辑、测试、办公室管理甚至人力资源!FriendlyHat也一件做了十多年的游戏设计。Made of Lions 于 2005 年加入团队,自游戏开发以来为游戏设计了大部分 史诗任务和相关内容。Sans Arret已经在团队里工作了四年多,目前负责本地化工作。最后不得不提的是指环王OL的制作人Raninia ,已经和我们共事了一年多的时间。感谢大家同意回​​答一些问题!

Let’s introduce you to the group. Pinion has worked on pretty much every type of content in the game for more than a decade, and Istien has worn many hats over 14 years, including copy editor, QA, office administration, and even Human Resources! FriendlyHat has been a designer for more than a decade as well. Made of Lions has designed much of the Epic Story and Epic-adjacent content for the game for most of the game’s life, having joined the team in 2005! Sans Arret has been with us for more than four years, and currently leads our localization efforts. Last but not least, Raninia is LOTRO’s Producer, and has been with us for more than a year. Thank you, all, for agreeing to answer some questions!

除非回答下面三个问题,否则休想通过(You shall not pass梗):

You shall not pass until you answer the following questions three:

1. 你最喜欢指环王三部曲原著的哪一部分?

1. What is your favorite part of The Lord of the Rings original book trilogy?

Sans Arret:只是个很难回答的问题。

Sans Arret: This is a really hard question to answer.


Istien: It’s gotta be Riddles in the Dark. My middle school drama club did The Hobbit one summer and I was Gollum.

Made of Lions:对我而言,是《双塔奇兵》结尾处出人意料的悬念,“山姆主人的选择”。这些年来我读了很多小说,但那段仍然令我吃惊,到现在也仍然是无与伦比的。

Made of Lions: For me, the absolutely ridiculous cliffhanger at the end of The Two Towers, in “The Choices of Master Samwise.” I’ve read a lot of fiction in the years since that blew my mind, and it’s still unmatched.

Sans Arret:我当然喜欢里面的马(特别是胖墩儿(Fatty Lumpkin,汤姆·庞巴迪的马)、小马比尔(Bill the Pony,山姆的马)和迅影(Shadowfax,干豆腐的马)),以及伊欧文(Éowyn)在帕兰诺平原一役中的战斗,但一直以来印象最深刻的是末日火山的最后一段攀登。我觉得神行客阿拉贡非常酷。同时我也偷偷喜爱着汤姆·庞巴迪,但我尽量不提?

Sans Arret: I of course loved the horses (especially Fatty Lumpkin, Bill the Pony, and Shadowfax), and Éowyn fighting in the battle of Pelennor fields, but that final trek up the mountain of Doom has always struck me. I thought Strider/Aragon was super cool. I secretly loved the bit with Tom Bombadil, but I try not to admit it too much?


Pinion: It’s hard to pick just one part, but I’ve always found the Scouring of the Shire to be very impactful. To see the Quest of the Ring to its end and all the sacrifice that entailed only to return home to find the home you left behind in the sway of a different evil is devastating. Essentially, to have to earn the right to “go home” after journeying to Mordor and back is powerful storytelling. And it helps to end the story of the Lord of the Rings where it began…among the Hobbits!


Raninia: Favorite part of the original trilogy is probably the meeting of Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas in the waters around the Tower of Orthanc. Just a really funny scene where you get to see all of these characters share their wild adventure together.

2. 你最喜欢彼得·杰克逊《指环王》三部曲电影中的哪一部分?

2. What is your favorite part of The Lord of the Rings original Peter Jackson movie trilogy?

Made of Lions:观看完《护戒使者》离开影院时,带着对所有伟大时刻的憧憬,想象这一切将如何发展,脑子里想着“我无法相信他们竟然做到了!”我彻夜未眠,早上去波士顿公共剧院又看了一场。首次上映我最后一共看了15遍以上,后面几部也差不多。

Made of Lions: Leaving the theater after The Fellowship of the Ring with visions of all the great moments to come, imagining how it was all going to come to pass, and thinking “I can’t believe they managed to make this!” I stayed up all night, and was back at a morning showing at the Boston Common theater. I ended up seeing Fellowship more than fifteen times on that initial run, and the subsequent movies nearly as often.


Raninia: The Battle of Helm’s Deep is just a really great scene, lots of action, great characterization, excellent score, and there’s just something about a battle in the rain that really brings it to another level.


Istien: Eowyn’s defeat of The Witch King.

Sans Arret:我特别喜欢看伊欧文击败安格玛巫王的那段!但我同时也着迷于他们拍电影时用的实景特效!

Sans Arret: I really love watching Éowyn defeating the Witch King of Angmar! But I also get fascinated by the practical effects they used in the film.


Pinon: I thought about this for a while, but it has to be the battle of Helm’s Deep/the Hornburg. Shield-surfing and bonus Elves aside, it was visually stunning to me as a young Tolkien fan, and it’s stuck with me ever since.


FriendlyHat: The way Gimli and Legolas’ relationship develops on-screen.

3. 你最喜欢指环王OL的部分是什么?

3. What is your favorite part of The Lord of the Rings Online?


Istien: Is it cheating to say All Of It? I really love this game and have been a fan for so long.

Made of Lions:我最喜欢的部分通常就是下一件我要做的,之前已经完成的部分在推出前对我而言就已经厌倦了!

Made of Lions: My favorite part is usually the next thing I’m working on; the previous thing I made always feels old to me by the time it comes out!


Raninia: Just how massive it is. I think the map is one of the biggest strengths of the game, and the stories we get to tell in all parts of it.


Pinion: In terms of explorable locations in the world, it’s a toss-up between Forochel, Moria, and Mordor. In terms of story, I have too many favorites to list them all, but, even as someone who broadly knew the entire plot in advance, I loved experiencing the Black Book of Mordor.


FriendlyHat: Writing unnecessarily verbose descriptions of LOTRO food. :)

Sans Arret:我不得不承认最喜欢的是夏尔。我有一个霍比特诗人,走遍了夏尔的每一寸土地,完成了每一个任务。我在玩游戏时总是觉得自己是个参观名胜的游客。同时我也喜欢宾果·博芬(Bingo Boffin),他是最棒的!

Sans Arret: I have to confess, The Shire is my favorite. I have a Hobbit Minstrel that went through each and every quest in the Shire. I always feel like I’m a tourist visiting famous places when I play. I also love Bingo Boffin, he’s the best!


Ok, confession time: What is the first bug you accidentally caused that was memorable enough to stick with you in 2022?


FriendlyHat: I was being trained on how to place physical objects into the game world, and I accidentally placed, hmmmm… I want to say it was a potato? floating in the air. I could be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure I accidentally pushed that change into the live game world, and I don’t know if it was ever caught.

Pinion:它本身不是一个bug,但我第一次因为设计决定而被大量批评的是把任务“A Hungry Inhabitant”放到了洛汗骑兵(Riders of Rohan)资料片的Sutcrofts主任务链里。任务被我做成了一个挺简单的文字游戏(Garsfeld村庄和一只有点喜欢意面的猫),却突然变成了玩家们争论的中心,讨论其是否应该作为推进Sutcrofts剧情所必需的一环。我是赞成的!

Pinion: It wasn’t a bug per se, but the first time I caught a lot of flak for a design decision was including the quest ‘A Hungry Inhabitant’ in the main quest flow of the Sutcrofts in the Riders of Rohan Expansion. A quest I’d made as a silly bit of wordplay (the village of Garsfeld and a certain pasta-loving cat) suddenly became a point of debate amongst players for being required to advance the story in Sutcrofts. I stand by it!

Sans Arret:我曾经不小心把地图上的“Comté”拼写成了“Comté”,非常抱歉,但这已经修复了!

Sans Arret: That one time I accidentally spelled “Comté” as “Compté” on a map. Je suis vraiment désolée. But it’s fixed now!


Have you put in any Easter Eggs? Care to share one?


FriendlyHat: So there’s this flying potato…

Istien:我过去鼓励放一些彩蛋。其中一个我可以透露因为已经过去很久了,设计师也已经离职。Cliving(东洛汗Norcrofts)有一个奶酪店,当我听说开发者正在着手制作一家奶酪店时,我让他加一个吟游诗人和一只猫,作为对巨蟒剧团(Monty Python)剧团经典素描喜剧奶酪店(Cheese Shop)的致敬。

Istien: I’ve encouraged some Easter Eggs in the past. One of which I feel comfortable revealing because it’s been so long, and the designer is no longer with the company. There is a cheese shop in Cliving (Norcrofts, East Rohan), and when I heard the dev was making a cheese shop, I asked him to add a minstrel and a cat, as a nod to Monty Python’s Cheese Shop sketch. I’m not sure that anyone’s gotten that reference yet.

Made of Lions:很多!幸运马蹄铁[Erebrandir’s Horseshoe]很大程度上是我的错误(抱歉),另外宾果(Bingo)在米纳斯魔窟(Minas Morgul)有机会短暂地出现过。这里有几个地方可以用表情和NPC们互动,有不同的反馈(Willem Whisker在宾果·波芬系列任务中也有一些)。有一些引用了我喜欢的电子游戏或互联网视频(最明显的是“Turtles in the Soup”结束阶段佩戴马蹄铁)。在写这段话时,在远夏尔(Yondershire)发布之前,我不确定是否有人发现了我偷偷藏的彩蛋,但我很想知道!

Made of Lions: Lots! Erebrandir’s Horseshoe was mostly my fault (sorry), and Bingo makes an appearance in Minas Morgul during a very brief window of opportunity. There are a few places where you can emote at NPCs to get different responses (Willem Whisker has some of these during the Ballad of Bingo Boffin). There are some references to videogames I’ve enjoyed or funny internet videos (most obviously if you wear the Horseshoe during the conclusion of ‘Turtles in the Soup’). At the time of this writing, before the release of Yondershire, I’m not sure if anyone will have discovered the Easter Egg I snuck in there, but I’m curious to find out!

Pinion:黑猫(Black Cat)非战斗宠物作为秋季节提供的一个奖励,是用我好朋友的一只宠物猫命名的,原本叫Reznor或Rez,游戏中换成了Res。

Pinion: The Black Cat cosmetic pet available as part of the Fall Festival is named after my close friend’s pet cat, ‘Reznor’ or ‘Rez’, which was then changed to ‘Res’ in-game.


Do you remember the first formal task you were asked to work on, what did you do, and how did it go?

Pinion:我2011年加入设计团队后的第一个任务是U5版本对冬季节的一个小更新,在对几个任务进行头脑风暴后,在Nohbob和Made of Lions的帮助下,我增加了这几个任务:“严寒似冰(Cold as Ice)”、“填充旷野(Filling the Field)”和“可恶的雪兽(The Abominable Snow-beasts’)”。做完一个新设计师,给霜崖(Frostbluff,冬季节活动地图)添加内容感觉有点害怕,但总的来说我觉得最后一切都挺好!

Pinion: My first task after joining the design team in 2011 was to work on a small update to the Yule Festival way back in Update 5. After brainstorming a few quests and with a little help from Nohbob and Made Of Lions, I added the quests: ‘Cold as Ice’, ‘Filling the Field’, and ‘The Abominable Snow-beasts’. As a new designer, the prospect of adding content to Frostbluff felt a little daunting, but overall, I think it went well!


FriendlyHat: I was asked to make a test monster, complete with abilities. Thus was born Reginald, the mildly perturbed boar. He would do a melee attack animation and any target up to 10m away would instantly be set aflame. Sadly, for reasons that continue to elude me to this day, Reginald has not been placed in-game.

Made of Lions:我加入团队时埃雷德鲁因(Ered Luin)刚开始制作,我的第一个正式任务涉及几个新手任务的创建——这些最后成为了利马尔葡萄园(Limael’s Vineyard)酿酒任务和诺格朗(Noglond)的基础狩猎和收集任务(包括我去年写过的“吉思理的最爱(Gísli’s Favourite)”任务)。我觉得这些最后都表现得足够良好,使我不久后获得信任,负责霍比特人新手任务副本“穿越黑暗之路(A Road Through The Dark)”。

Made of Lions: When I joined the team, Ered Luin was just being started, and my first real task involved the creation of a couple easy starting quests – these turned into the wine-making quests at Limael’s Vineyard and some of the basic hunting and gathering quests at Noglond (including Gisli’s Favourite, which I wrote about last year). I suppose they turned out well enough for me to be trusted with the hobbit starting instance ‘A Road Through The Dark’ shortly afterward.


If you were placed as an NPC into Middle-earth, where would you be and what would you want to look like?

Sans Arret:我想当成一个霍比特人拳手,在夏尔四处游荡搞恶作剧。我肯定会是那个在节日前一天偷走所有奶酪的人。

Sans Arret: I would be a Hobbit Brawler, rolling around the Shire getting into punchy mischief. I’d definitely be the one that stole all of the cheese before the festival.


Istien: I am an NPC in Middle-earth! I am in the Spring Festival. I won’t say who or where though…

Made of Lions:我被变成NPC了!宾果·博芬(Bingo Boffin)最早就是基于我的老照片制作,那时我还没有为洛汗蓄须(后来就保留下来了)。我觉得宾果身上有我的影子,这或许并不是什么让人吃惊的事。

Made of Lions: I have been turned into an NPC! Bingo Boffin was based on old photos of me, before I had the beard I grew for Rohan (and subsequently kept). I think there’s more than a little of me in Bingo, which probably isn’t that surprising.


FriendlyHat: Where would I be? In the Shire, mid-afternoon, enjoying a solo snack under a tree. Some Longjing tea, a good loaf of bread, and an alarmingly large chunk of butterkäse. Passers-by would stop and go “Good day, Friendlyhat. Surely you don’t intend to eat all of that cheese in one sitting.” and I would respond by wordlessly, and with unbroken eye contact, taking a large bite out of the cheese, causing them to cease conversation and leave me be.


Pinion: If I could be a character at any point in time in Middle-earth’s history, I’d probably want to be a dwarf-smith at the height of Khazad-dûm’s prosperity. In LOTRO, definitely a Hobbit in the Shire!


What is it you hope players get out of LOTRO that you’ve had a hand in creating?


Pinion: To be honest, I want players to feel like they’re able to live within Middle-earth and that our adaptation enriches and faithfully expands upon the stories in Tolkien’s Legendarium. Whenever the stories we write resonate with players to the extent that the line begins to blur between established canon and our work on LOTRO, it makes me proud—not only that players enjoy our work, which is always nice, but also that it feels worthy and respectful of Tolkien’s legacy.


Raninia: I hope that players get to see the breadth and depth of Middle-earth, both in its fields, caves, mountains, and lakes, as well as its stories, both epic and tiny. It’s a big, beautiful, amazing world, and we’re privileged enough to get to make it.

Made of Lions:我总是说指环王OL是为两种人而作:喜欢《指环王》的人以及会发现自己喜欢它的人。如果我们的游戏能向人们介绍这部多年来想我提供了无数快乐(和很多其他情感!)的书,我觉得那真是太棒了。

Made of Lions: I always say that LOTRO is intended for two audiences: people who love The Lord of the Rings, and people who might discover they love it. If our game can introduce folk to the books that have provided me so much joy (and so many other emotions!) over the years, I think that’s fantastic.


Istien: Fun, and many more years of wanderings through Middle-earth!


From all of us at Standing Stone Games we want to thank YOU for everything YOU have done to make Middle-earth a vibrant, exciting, and fun place to be for 15 years! We still have so much left to see and do, and we thank you for being here with us on this journey.

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